Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Monet Essays (618 words) - Claude Monet, Haystacks, Impression

Monet Over the years there have been many respectable artists but one of the most famous of these artists would have to have been French impressionist Claude Oscar Monet. Monet was born on Nov. 14, 1840 in Paris, France and started showing an appreciation for art at an early age. When he was nineteen Monet decided that he wanted to attend art school and soon after that he entered the studio of Charles Glegre. While he was there he met and worked with other respectable artists such as Frederic Bazille, Auguset Renoir, and Alfred Sisley. Monet began working outside with the invention of portable tubes of oil paint in the 1840s. Soon he began presenting his pictures of the outdoors sunlight with a direct sketch-like application of bright color. Many felt that would cut off any possibilities of him ever becoming a successful painter. Many of Monets paintings from this time are extremely loosely structured and the colors seemed to have been applied in strong, distinct strokes as if no II reworking had been attempted. This type of art seemed to suggest that the artist had captured the spontaneous impression of nature. This along with the fact that one of Monets first paintings was entitled Impression: Sunrise, the press began to label Monet and his colleagues the impressionists. In the early 1870s Monet and other Impressionists were in desperate need to sell some paintings so in 1874 they decided to appeal directly to the public and had the first of many Impressionist exhibitions. The shows lasted a month and although it drew a large crowd not many paintings were actually sold. As the years progressed so did Monets technique. By the mid-1880s he had achieved much recognition and he was also, finally, financially secure. At the fourth Impressionist exhibition in 1879, which took place in Paris, there was a huge turnout and for the time a profit was made. Although a profit had been made Monet decided not to display his work in the fifth Impressionist exhibition and instead he submitted two of his works to the Salon. After this move business picked up for Monet. The owner of the Salon, Georges Petit, purchased three of his III paintings and in 1880 he had his first one-man show. One year later Durand-Ruel signed a contract with Monet, which committed him to purchase a large number of paintings at regular intervals. After this Monet was able to create better paintings and he was also able to travel in search of scenes to paint. By 1890 Monet was finally able to purchase the house he had been renting for seven years and there he created a lily pond which included a Japanese bridge and was overhung with clumps of bamboo and willows. From this pond he began painting some of his most famous works. Although Monets eyesight was growing worse he still continued working on his water lily series and at the same time some of his other series works such as the haystacks, poplars, Rouen Cathedral, and the Seine River. Monet remained at his house in Giverny, traveling sometimes to find new scenes to paint, until his death in 1926. Monets artwork is some of the most desirable in the world and although it went through many different stages it is all still amazing. Although some artists of his time accused him of mass-producing art (his series work) just for commercial purposes many artists new feel that being able to make a series of a scene and still have all of the pieces have there own individuality and be so desirable was one of his greatest talents. English Essays

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